Tuesday, January 30, 2007

"There you are!" Said the Evil one...

What an interesting week. Well, not realy, quite boring actualy. Aside from my brother going to the hospital for viral menengitis('hope I spelled that right) nothing of note has realy happened lately, hence the dirth of posts.
Being as how it is winter and all, I have been kicking words around again(This is sort of a yearly cycle for me) and have come up with a couple phrases. Please give me your thoughts..
First. Anti-Miracle.
An event so unlikely, so ill-timed, and so bad it can only be the result of darker, more hideous forces. Like a tax audit, or a gas attack during an interview, or, say, someone having a birthday part on YOUR day off.
The moment when someone reveals to you a new, as of yet uncharted level of stupidity. Such as "Wow, after that riveting explanation, I feel like I've reached a state of Illuminothinged!." Well, tell me what you think my new phrases.

Monday, January 22, 2007

A question For Ya'

So, there I was, (every story should start this way) watching the Patriots play the Colts for the AFC championship. Despite being one of the best games i've seen in a long time, the first half was pretty boring. I foolishly told m daughter that I wished Indy would at least try to make a game of it. (I am a Patriots fan, unless Green Bay is playing) Well, I guess I got my wish. Oh well, that's not the point of my story. During the game the camera zoomed in on a Colts cheerleader, on her face even...go figure...but anyways, she had an earpiece. What does she need an earpiece for?
"Okay Girls, Let's do that Look Happy thing!!!"
" On my mark...Now, Shake!"
Or, do they have someone on the sidelines explaining the game to them.
"That was a touchdown Blondie, ...That means they scored...Yeah, So start cheering!!!"
Just a Question.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Oh, That Blogosphere...Hmmm?

I'm sorry Guys. I forgot about you. Yup, that's right, I forgot. I have reasons. Like always it's life. Job, Kids, Church, all those things just seem to eat up my computer time lately. Mainly though it's the radio show. I have been devoting most of my computer time to working on the radio show. I would realy like to get this show sponsored and increase our listenership. I just don't know how to do it. When confronted with a task that I'm unsure of I usaualy just do some research and teach myself. Washing machine repairs, plumbing, playing guitar. The problem is with stuff like popularity, ratings, and success there is no established, concrete, reliable data. It's not like learning to wire a house. So, any ideas? I want to try writing some companies to see if I can get some sponsors. But as far as increasing our listener base....well... I don't know?
The least you could do though is tell your friends, I would be grateful.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Don't tell me about your Sickness!!!!

Halloo !!!!
Sorry for the abscence. I have just gotten over one of the worst colds of my life. I havn't been this sick since the time I got malaria in 04.
Well, you get the gist.
This cold was about three weeks in the making but it didn't really take hold until this past week. Then on tuesday, it was as though my body just decided to be well all of a sudden. Very bizzare. Monday, I was ready to die. Tuesday, I was ready to climb a mountain again. Hey, I ain't complainin' none.
Today was a day of catchin' up. Makin' calls, geting in touch with all the people I've been neglecting, yes that includes my readers....if i still have any..
Well, sorry this is not more informitive or thought provoking, but hey! get over it! I'm sick!!!
PLEASE, PLEASE, Listen to my show this week. I feel that this will be a gerat one. I've got a lot of catching up to do and can feel the creative juices flowin'!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

So, Saddam, Ford and James Brown were all in a waiting room...

My year in review, three days late. I have an awful memory so, this could be difficult. I don't rember the year with much clarity, so it's hard for me to sit back and evaluate purely on events and specific times. Dragon's post got me thinking about how I've changed this year.
Well, let's start with the negatives, that way we can work our way up to a happy ending for this post. I feel older. Stop laughing. I know I'm only 28, but I do feel much older this year. My body pays a higher toll for physical action these days. You want to feel old? Try following your 3 and 4 year-old boys as they run, jump abd pummell eachother with rotten tommatoes. Or, try sliding down the steps with them. I garauntee, you'll be in traction for 6 months.
Secondly, I believe my brain has started to harden into an imovable stone. I find that I am less apt to readily accept change of any kind.
And last, I think that I have lost some of my edge. I am not so determined to prove myself anymore. This in turn can lead to laziness pretty dern' quick Homie Klaus.
Now for the good stuff. I feel that on many levels I have changed for the better this year. Many of the positive are just the flip-side of the negatives.
First, I feel older. Much of my insecurities have left. I find that I have much more confidence and am less likely to doubt myself.
Second, I think my brain is hardening. Many of the issues that would cloud my mind have reached a certain clarity. Much of the background noise has faded. I am left with some pretty solid beliefs about God, Family, and morality. I just had to put them to test for a couple years.
Third, I've lost some of my edge. I have learned how to be a better friend and not be so, well, prickly. I am learning the meaning of such phrases as "Pick your battle" or "Is this a hill worth dying on?".
Fourth, I have found my creative release. This year I started blogging, started doing a radio show, discovered a love of photography, and re-dicovered a passion for the guitar.
Fifth, I done' got me a daughter!!! Nuff Said.
Things to work on for 07?..
Well, I could stand to be a little more romantic with my wife. I also think I could learn to not talk so much!