Sunday, March 25, 2007

Click to Enlarge....

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Look, I ain't sayin' we should use them for a moral compass, but...

In Greek mythology we find the story of Sisyphus. A once mighty king of Corinth, Sisyphus found himself the object of scorn and endless entertainment for the gods by simply trying to do his job as a father. Doomed to spend eternity pushing a great stone up a hill only to have said stone roll right back down, poor old Sis, was forced to face the futility of his human efforts. Well, I think that sums up my last couple weeks rather neatly.
In an effort to broaden my horizons and create a new creative outlet for myself, I have decided to record and produce a radio show on 97Three,
This is in addition to the show that I co-host on Friday nights. Since this show is pre-recorded, I've taken some time off from blogging and have set-up a mini recording studio in my basement. With copious amounts of help from MikeD, I have begun to teach myself the in and outs of Adobe Audition and the finer points of networking. Final count, I have logged almost 35 hours in my efforts to produce a show. The results? Well, I've killed one modem, Lost my Internet 5 times, Crashed my Imac twice, Lost all my passwords, Erased one website, and produced a show with such bad audio quality, it's barely tolerable. I mean Scary Bad!
Oh, well, I guess me and Sisyphus will just get back to it.