Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I fear that I'm lost...

I think I've lost the touch. I feel that I am in a creative wasteland. I just don't have any more stories or pictures in me. Lately, I just have not been able to get any good photos. Nothing. These stupid pictures are all I've got to offer.
Sad, I know...
So, I will be taking the next several weeks off.
Yes, I feel that this is the best approach. You can still hear me on my radio show, and I will be checking my comments. I just think I need to devote more time to my upcoming trip and less time to the 'puter. Never Fear though! I will be back in October.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

That would be the cosmic smackdown, Grasshopper.

So there I was, Thinkin' I was all that and a bag o' chips. I was so proud of myself! The boss gave me this fairly complicated relay control box to wire up. Crazy stuff, time delay relay, latching circuits, even a laser! Oh yeah, I was da' shizzle! I got it all right on my first try! So, as you can guess, my head began to swell. Never a good sign.
That was last Monday, enter the weekend....
Routine side job. wire up garage door opener, simple, 3 wires, hot, nuetral, ground, easy, right? Oh, not so. Well let me just say, when the smoke cleared and the screaming stoped, I found I had put 2 wires in the wrong spots. Yes, that's bad.
So needless to say, this week has been a great lesson in humilty.
Oh, by the way, I finally finished reading the Killing Angels.
WOW! Great book! It realy puts you in the field of battle with it's detail and believability. I know it's a true story, but they way the characters come alive (warts and all) is just realy profound. I grew up around the Army, war and military life, but this book told a story about war in a way I'd never heard before. I highly recomend this book. I am know reading about the crusades, (odd stuff indeed) and will have another review for you later.

Friday, September 08, 2006



Monday, September 04, 2006

Here I am fasting real slow

So, Why do the call it fasting when it takes so long!!!
I realize that to go for 30 hours without food would be no big deal for most of the world, but for me it's big doins'. I was waiting for the sky to part, angels to descend, a blinding light, God to present me with a burning scroll, and then to pass out in a cold sweat and to awaken the next day with a complete understanding of life....Yeah so, that's not quite what happened.
I just got real hungry.
No, there was some goodness there.
I did spend quite a bit of time praying and reading scripture. Not to mention I now have a better understanding of people who are starving. Now add that to the malaria, well shoot, I fell down-right African.
Let's see, what else,
Oh, my son.
Yeah so #2 son gave me a start.
"Dad, 'You want to hear the chink-a-monks?"
"The Chink-a-Monks Dad!"
"Uuuuuuhhhhh dahhhh...?"
"Yeah, Albin, Dimon, and Deodore!"
"Oh, right! the Chipmunks!"
"Yup, I said that daddy!"
"Right, my bad"
Dang, I gotta stop listening to NPR.