Monday, September 04, 2006

Here I am fasting real slow

So, Why do the call it fasting when it takes so long!!!
I realize that to go for 30 hours without food would be no big deal for most of the world, but for me it's big doins'. I was waiting for the sky to part, angels to descend, a blinding light, God to present me with a burning scroll, and then to pass out in a cold sweat and to awaken the next day with a complete understanding of life....Yeah so, that's not quite what happened.
I just got real hungry.
No, there was some goodness there.
I did spend quite a bit of time praying and reading scripture. Not to mention I now have a better understanding of people who are starving. Now add that to the malaria, well shoot, I fell down-right African.
Let's see, what else,
Oh, my son.
Yeah so #2 son gave me a start.
"Dad, 'You want to hear the chink-a-monks?"
"The Chink-a-Monks Dad!"
"Uuuuuuhhhhh dahhhh...?"
"Yeah, Albin, Dimon, and Deodore!"
"Oh, right! the Chipmunks!"
"Yup, I said that daddy!"
"Right, my bad"
Dang, I gotta stop listening to NPR.


At September 05, 2006, Blogger Kiyotoe said...

I'm sure it takes plenty of focus and concentration on prayer, meditation, etc. to make yourself forget just how hungry you are when fasting.......

Don't know that i'm ready for that.....


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