Monday, August 14, 2006

I guess even evil people get old

So, a funny thing happened at the doctors last week. I had to take one of my sons to the doctor on Thursday. While he was seeing the doc, I thought I'd go for a walk around the hospital. I came upon the cutest scene: two little old ladies, walking hand in hand. They were perfect! Little hats, hand bags, knitting needles, whte gloves, etc. I thought to myself, "How sweet! This is just sooo cute and cozy! These are the kind of women I want in my family." As I got close, I could tell they were laughing at some private joke. I caught a brief snippet of their conversation. It went something like this: "AH HA HA! Yeah, the @#!% Negroes did it!!!"
Uhhhhh.... oh well,
I guess even evil people get old...


At August 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We goin' to the Piggly Wiggly, Miss Daisy?


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