Thursday, June 29, 2006

So this is what I do and do tell, what is this?

Well, If your wondering what kind of things I wire up at work, well this is pretty close. It's basically a very low power particle accelerator, neat huh? I don't do these all the time, but most of my work is kind'a like this. Oh! And can somebody tell me what kind of bug this is. My son found it on the porch. It looks like a cross between a Mantis and a yellow jacket. Okay here are some cool lnks... Dave Barry
and crazy almonds

Saturday, June 24, 2006

I'm Back!

Hey Look, Here's some pictures of my trip to Ghana. I tell ya, summer is realy bad for blogging. There's just to much to do. I have also been busy preparing for next trip to Africa. Lets see, what else,... oh yeah! check out There's 2 new shows up! Also check out This is going to be the offical blog for our missions trip.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


So i thought this was just the coolest....
A junebug died on my kitchen floor during the night. Before I discovered the body my resident ants did. I spent maybe, 30 minutes just watching them and snaping pictures before I realized that I should probably clean this up. But then I thought, "How do I clean this up?" It didn't seem right to just throw them all in the trash and I couldn't flush them down the toilet. Thankfuly, my wife solved this dilema buy tossing the whole mess outside while i was still pondering the situation.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Ok Here We Go..

Ok, So Now the radio feed is Working. Check it out!
Here are pics of this weeks show....
Go to!
Click on the slow speed audio as this is the only one working right now.
We had some not so family friendly moments this week, but i brought in George Bush, he cracked some heads, and the whole thing got sorted out!
Next week I promise it will be more Family friendly!