De-railed once again...

I was all set to write my post.
I had it all figured out in my head.
Then POOF!
I got de-railed.
Let me start at the begining.
Last night I spent a few moments reading some random blogs. Some were good, others just plain stupid, and quite a few were real angry. It seems that a large number of people are angry about Thanksgiving and it's history. I wanted to get on here and tell everyone to shut-up and stop sniveling about the past. I believe we should examine our mstakes and crimes but at some point you need to stop stirring up trouble. If you are bringing these things up so that we can talk about them and make changes and prevent a repeat, well rock on! But, more than likely you are just some up-tight, hates-the- world, bored ottua' your skull teen-ager, who just started paying attention in history class and now believes you're smarter than all them dummies!!!
Go soak your head!
Well, that's what I wanted to post.
But, Instead, I decided to watch the Jets game. Good game, if you like the Jets. But,I digress, What I wanted to mention was how much it aggrevates me when sports casters say the following: "He's a good kid Boomer, surprisingly well-spoken..."
Why is it so suprising?!
Is it so strange that the black athlete can speak so well!!!??????
That's like when they talk about a white player, they say:"Yeah, He can be suprisingly quick!"
That's the kind of crap that ticks me off!!!
I'm going to go soak my head now.
Give it up for "Holiday Stress" Y'all!!!

New Shtuff

My brain hurts. I spent the lions' share of today trying to absorb information. I started my new job today. This involved endless meetings and paperwork. This was followed by a tour of the factory. And finaly I was asigned my desk, tools, and toolbox. Tuesday I will be attending 8 hours of safety meetings. Whoa! Simma' Down Now! It's all good though. The pay is good, the benes are good, and the work is exciting. Not to mention it's close to home. (Big ol' honkin' grin)
Oh, Did I mention my neighbors, yeah, they like christmas...ALOT....
My Weekend in Pictures...

So, here is my weekend in Groton. Very warm and Loverly.
The Mountains? Well, that's In the fine print.

Ok, so maybe my week didn't go as planned. I guess after re-reading "Into Thin Air" I had visions of a return to the hills. Man braves elements, against all odds, Because it's their Holmes!!!! You know, all that crazy feel good hype. That was my plan for the week.
Well, as I've said before, God obviously don't read my day planner. Haggie called it when she predicted that I would be rushing my wife to the hospital this week instead. Sunday morning, 5am to be exact. I've been through this twice before, so I figured, No Problem. No need to panic because you're Hazmatt and you are the man!
You can imagine how faulty that thinking was. Yup, number three was just as nail-bittingly crazy as 1 and 2. So, this week has been pretty much filled-up with baby related stuff. I'm okay with that though. I love Me the Babies!
I may not have conqured the world but I did get alot of buisness done though. Transfer loans, cancel credit cards, get insurance quotes, try to locate prospective tennants, all that good stuff that I try to avoid. A VERY good week indeed.
Also, Me and my boys have been hard at work in the basement building a radio out of license plates and coffe cans. Yes, that's what I said.
Oh, by the way, All those crazy, tree-hugging, granola-eating, burlap-wearing, Subaru drivers, who say that birth is beautiful, obviously have never seen it!
Don't get me wrong, The baby is beautiful, My wife is a beauty, even the people who help are a beauty, but the BIRTH!! That's just NASTY! EWWWW!!! Yuck! Gross!
Just as we feared doctor, They Are Replicating!!!

Meet Gianna Catherine. She entered the world at 7:38am Nov. 12 2006. If you're wondering why I haven't been posting latley, this would be it. I have a daughter, dude, this should be interesting...
I'm sure this will provid PLENTY of blog fodder.
The End of an Era...

This is not about the election. It's about me.
Today was my last day at work.
My last day in construction.
My last day of driving 74 miles just to get to work!
I got a job close to home as a factory maintnence electrician.
When I say close, I mean like
real close, like 8 miles away!!!!!
Did I mention that I will be making more money as well?
(Big Grin)
I don't need to bring any tools to my new job, as they will be provided by my new employer.
So, tonight I brought mine home and gave them a nice quiet retirement home in the basement.
I now have a nice workshop full of tools. Each one in it's place and resting peacefuly.
For some bizzare reason though, I found this very hard to do. I felt like I was betraying trusted friends. Like putting grandma in the retirement home.
Well, not to fear, my house is very old and constantly in need of repair. So, maybe, just maybe I will find a use for the High Voltage cable cutters and the 1" Titanium drill bits.
I don't start my new job till the 20th, so I may get a chance to do some, dare I say, relaxing?!
I'll probably wind up climbing a mountain, spelunking, burping a baby, or trying to clip my toe-nails with a pair of realy big cable cutters!
So what I thought I would do, I did not

So, after reading the
Dragon blog I thought maybe I would pick-up his idea and run with it. So I reached for the nearest book and came up with Jon Krakauer's opus: "
Into Thin Air". After searching for the proper page and trying to find the right sentence, and then deciding that it did not pack enough punch, I realized something; I LOVE this book. I read a huge volume of books a year. All types, Sci-Fi, mystery, Bios, Travel, history, non-fiction, religon, heck, even science text books. This is a constant though, I keep coming back to this one. Being somewhat of a mountain goat myself, I think this one just hits a little to close to home. This story scares the crap outta' me every time. I find myself always checking the epilouge, just maybe the ending changed...
Even if you don't climb mountains I would guess that this story will grab you. I have read this story so many times that I feel like I know the people who climbed that mountain ten years ago.
I was seventeen when this happened, and I was just begining to discover the allure of the mountains. It started with an obsesion for mountain biking, wich in-turn lead to rock climbing, wich lead to (don't ask how..) climbing big mountains in the winter at midnight!!!
I know, stupid right.
I have alway had an appetite for deadly hobbies. Maybe that's why I'm an electrician. Well, Hey, It's safer than the steel work I was doing before that....
Anyways, I think thats what scared me about this book.
I know who these people are. Oh, I did not know them personaly, but I know who they are, they are
So, here are two passages from "Into Thin Air" by Jon Krakauer.....
"Andy was a large man over six feet tall and 200 pounds, who spoke with a sharp Kiwi lilt; Martin was at least six inches shorter, weighed maybe 130 pounds, and spoke in a thick Texas drawl. How had I made such an egregious mistake? Was I really so debilitated that I had stared into the face of a near stranger and mistaken him for a friend with whom I'd spent the previous six weeks? And if Andy had never arrived at Camp Four after reaching the summit, what in the name of God had happened to him?"
My Mom will like this one...
"There were many, many fine reasons not to go, but attempting to climb Everest is an intrinsically irrational act-a triumph of desire over sensibility. Any person who would seriously consider it is almost by definition beyond the sway of reasoned argument."

I can't believe this.
I just got the National Geograpic Christmas..Oopps! (holiday for all you pagans) Catalog.
They had Ghanaian
talking drums in there for 58 dollars!!!!
This is one I bought for about 80 thousand cidis or roughly 5 bucks, and I actually watched it being made!
Dude, I wonder what the other fobbles are worth?
I came back with alot of stuff, paintings, masks, jewelry, you name it.

Yo! Peeps, check out the show tonight. We will start broadcasting @ 9pm est.(hopefully)
Tmer and I will be alone in the studio tonight, so with any luck we can figure out all the equipment.
Just so you know, technology routinely kicks my buttocks.