Monday, November 20, 2006

New Shtuff

My brain hurts. I spent the lions' share of today trying to absorb information. I started my new job today. This involved endless meetings and paperwork. This was followed by a tour of the factory. And finaly I was asigned my desk, tools, and toolbox. Tuesday I will be attending 8 hours of safety meetings. Whoa! Simma' Down Now! It's all good though. The pay is good, the benes are good, and the work is exciting. Not to mention it's close to home. (Big ol' honkin' grin)
Oh, Did I mention my neighbors, yeah, they like christmas...ALOT....


At November 21, 2006, Blogger Kiyotoe said...

All those lights gotta save you money on your electric bill. Who needs lights on in their own house?

At November 21, 2006, Blogger HazMatt said...

There ar 14 inflatables n their postage stamp of a lawn

At November 21, 2006, Blogger Sara said...

:o It just gets better every year .... i didnt think it was humanly possible! I just watched a FoxNews snippet on people sueing their neighbors for exsessive christmas Decorations *lol* you may have a case there :D


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