Nothing new for awhile...
'Going campining this weekend, so I won't be posting for afew days..
But check-out this cool painting...
Grizzly Man
I just saw a really disturbing movie, Grizzly Man. The movie was the stroy of Timothy Treadwell, a fairly well known bear activist. I won't say to much about it(So much has been said already) except that when it was over I had the strangest, most hollow feeling in my gut. The movie itself was outstanding, every thing about the film was just breathtaking and the story moved so fast that you forgot that it was a documentary. No, it was Treadwell himself that creeped me out. Treadwell loved his bears and was very genuine about protecting them and even though his methods were total lunacy and many times illegal, he truly meant well. Make no mistake though, this man was no saint. It's quite obvious he had some serious mental battles going on up there. Timothy was toying with the darkness. What creeped me out though was how much I felt a connection with him. Yup, that's right. Without going into too much detail (that might take a whole new blog!) let's just say " There, but for the grace of God, go I." To learn more check out these links...
WikiMovie Review (Please note: I saw the movie on T.V. so there may be language if you rent.)
Waste time with me...
Summer is for wating time. I've been wasting my time working. Yup, I should be out doing important things like, napping, camping, fishing, and eating bad food but no, I have to work! My boys haven't worn a stich of clothing in weeks. Since the warm weather came they've been living like two wild bushmen. War paint and all.(it's true). Covered in dirt, twigs in the hair,no schedule, yes, I'm jealous.Their days are spent digging in the dirt, riding bikes, and finding new bugs. Well at least the state of Vermont has been using their time wisely. This month they've decided to tackle the big issues facing Vermonters. Yup, they renamed a mountain "Brokeback Mountain" and passed a bill that provides protection in the workplace for cross-dressers.:) That's right Kids! Oh well, At least my kids are doing the important stuff.
I must show you this...
So, Nothing to say, 'just thought I'd post some more of my photos...
Don't worry...We let the frog go.
Wow! I'm a Troll!
Hey check this out...
Lukery. Dude! I really ticked them off. I Love It!
Let's see they attack my spelling, attack my country, call me a troll, a moron, and oh, let's see... oh, yeah, there it is, a "rightwingnut" wow I Love It. This is great!!! Wow, I'm all those things just because my grammar is bad and I don't like people tearing down my country. That's sad. Maybe if I swore more and believed everything I see on T.V. I would be as bright as them. Oh well, This troll is goin' back to to the cave!
Did You Know...
Did you know you can buy jeans with holes already in them!?!Yes, It's true! I've heard rumors for years, but yesterday I ACTUALY SAW SOME!!!! That is so strange. I am always tearing my clothes at work. It's been the baine of my existence. I HATE having holes in my clothes and now I find out people are paying for it! Think about it: You're paying extra for something with a truncated life. Thats like paying more for a car with rust on it, fruit with bruises, or a house with termites. Travis tells me "But It's Cool!"
Yup, okay, keep telling yourself that. In seven years of construction not one single person has said "Wow Cool blow-out! boxers?"Oh well, hey check-out my photots of the 4th. Nothing says "Happy Birthday America!" like atrip to the burn center!!!
More Of Ghana 05
Hey, here's some more pictures from my last
trip to Ghana. How do you like my shades?
Every Office Should Have These..
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