Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Dearly Beloved, We've gathered here Today, To beat our heads against the WALL!!!

There are three things I want to talk about today. Work, media, and MultiVi's.
These three little items have got me feeling a little confused right now.
Let's start with work first.
Well, I started a new job recently and I love it. It's challenging, always different, and requires lots of class time and research. All in all, a nice change from construction. My co-workers however, hate it. I mean hate it with vengence usually reserved for root canals and murderers. They believe they are worked to hard and are underpaid. I on the other hand, disagree. I have never made so much money and had to physically, work so little. I also happen to like my boss. (Brown Noser)
I know, I can hear it being said. The fact is however, He's decent guy, he's human like all of us, but still, He seems O.K. to me. Here is the dilema, When the boss asks me if I think we all need more money what do I say? Should I lie, just to get everyone more dough, or be say what I think and make my life with my co-workers a living?...Well, you get the idea.
Second, Media.
You see I asked a friend for some music suggestion for my radio show and boy did he deliver, handing me a huge pile of burned C.D.'s hastily scribbed in sharpie and just barley legible. The one stand out so far has been "The Hold Steady". Now, the confusion here arises from the music itself. Very gritty, very Boozey, Very , well , I don't know. That's it, I don't know what to make of it. I can't say I don't like it, I can't stop listening to it! But I can't say I esspecialy enjoy it. The guy sounds like Bruce Springsteen on cocaine reading the memoirs of Andy Warhol. Yeah, it's that weird. Try it, you might learn to need it.
Third and last, Vitamins! or MultiVis as my friends in Africa would say. Well a new study out of Germany says that daily use of Vitamins may actually shorten your life span!!!!
That's right SHORTEN YOUR LIFE!!!!!
Great, I guess it's not long before we find out water causes Cancer.


At February 28, 2007, Blogger losile said...

I like The Hold Steady, I listen to them much at work.

At March 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't live with out it. I loaded some VOL onto my Ipod and listened to it at work today.

At March 03, 2007, Blogger Captain Backfire said...

Your freaking nuts

At March 08, 2007, Blogger Kiyotoe said...

There you are, been looking all over the place for you chief.

Anyway, tell the boss man the truth, you're cool but you understand that many of the fellas have issues with the pay scale and that you are apparently in the minority.

#2 The Boss on cocaine? Andy Warhol??? Bruce is from Jersey so he's cool with me.

#3 I could have sworn I heard that milk wasn't good for you anymore. If that's true, somebody just feed me what IS healthy through an IV, I quit.


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