Thursday, December 28, 2006

Peace by the numbers

Well, after much hemin' and hawin' I decided it was time to express myself on the subject of peace. I tend to avoid writing about this sort of thing. I feel that these sort of posts tend to read like some un-realistic, hippie pipe dream, with no basis in reality. All dream and fantasy with no acknowledgement of the reality of human nature. The subject however is to important for me to ignore anymore. So, let me start by saying, I believe that peace is within our reach.
First, let's get our terms straight. When I say "peace" I'm talking about International, world peace. There will always be violence, it's part of human nature. We will always need police to deal with the crimanal element of society. No, what I'm talking about is world peace, peaceful relations between nations.
All that is needed is an agrement. An agrement between countries to not beat the crap outta' each other. We get rid of the U.N. and come to consensus on a few simple rules of behavior. Rule One: All goverments Must protect the rights of humans within their borders. Rule Two: All goverments Must protect the enviroment within their borders. Rule Three: All people party to a goverment found to be in violation must be brought to court. Rule Four:When one member fails to tow the line, there is no debate, everyone must act. There must be swift, decisive, action. Rule Five: No nation may have dealings with a goverment found to be in violation.
Unrealistic? I don't think so. By my count there are 193 soveriegn nations listed in the C.I.A. factbook.Only about 90 of those countries are involved in conflicts right now. All of these countries have a central figurehead with the authority to start or stop a war.
So, can we get 90 people to agree to peace?
You tell me...


At December 30, 2006, Blogger Kiyotoe said...

it always ??? me why people like the Dragon and Hazmatt can come up with seemingly simple solutions like these but yet the "powers that be" find it so difficult to come up with anything appealing to all parties.

Is it really that hard?

At December 30, 2006, Blogger LNA said...

Three words---Cain and Abel....

At June 17, 2016, Blogger DBL said...

Did you ever find an answer to this question: Are you still around? Still looking?


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