Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Spider Attack! (sort of...)

It started like any other day. The Great machine that is American Industry, pumping out it's steady rythmn of progress. Somewhere in Northern New England one man was making his daily contribution to greater good. Hazmat, Electrician, reluctant hero.(again, sort of..) While moving boxes of hardware, our hero discovered a giant(3" across) radioactive(not) Man eating(probably not, but i didn't wait to find out!) Spider! Our Hero did not waste any time. Instead he sprang into action. First He located A really old Proffesor with a single and devastatingly beautiful daughter. He then called all the news papers and sent the world into panic. And finaly after droping several A-bombs and proclaiming that the fate of Humanity was hanging in the balance He reached for his blowtorch.... Well, That's more or less what happened. I guess maybe, I might have taken a few liberties, But i have noticed a TON of spiders in the past few days. In the last few days my sons have awoken to large spiders crawling up their walls. It's wild to watch how they each respond so differently to this. Isaac, the oldest, finds them a little upseting while Aiden, 18mos younger, finds the spiders very exciting. Well thats all i've got today, Hey check out this VIDEO!


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