Saturday, April 15, 2006

Oh Crap! Its Spring...

Now don't worry, I'm not going to wax lyrical about the newness of life and the rebirth of spring. Quite the opposite actually. I was just noticing how ugly everything is. Winter leaves my yard looking like some kind of EPA superfund site. Here's just few items i've found while raking today: old junk mail, burger boxes, dog turds, a plastic horse, and a hubcap, not to mention plastic bags. I remember when the world switched to plastic bags. Somehow we believed that we were saving the world by reducing our reliance on nature and filling our landfills with plastic. I don't think anything epitomizes the ugliness of spring cleaning like a year old plastic bag filled with brown rain water and old candy wrappers sitting under your bush. Being a bit of right-wing tree hugger i long for paper. Speaking of the EPA, maybe some day i'll tell you about gasoline-spraying Pontiac. That could probably be it's own blog,...(hmmm). Well, Isaac and Aiden are awake, so i must go. I promised them we could go back outside and keep raking the landfill.


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